Cotswold Guardians offers two levels of guardianship to ensure the services we offer can be tailored to the needs of individual students.

  • Provide homestay accommodation at Exeat and Half Terms with appropriate host family.
  • Be in contact by email/mobile with parents and schools.
  • Organise transport at the beginning and end of each Exeat or Half Term if required.
  • Provide 24hr emergency cover.
  • SchoolsMobile Digital Safeguarding
What to do next
Cotswold Guardians - Premier Homestay agency for international students in the UK
  • Basic guardianship that meets UK Boarding School regulations.
  • Acts like an insurance policy: in an emergency Cotswold Guardians will assist your child as needed (at additional cost).
  • Popular with students who are capable of independent travel - no travel or accommodation provided with this package.
  • Scenarios where we help: flight delays; suspension from school; contagious disease.
  • Provide 24hr emergency cover.
  • SchoolsMobile Digital Safeguarding
See our video for more information about our On Call service.
What to do next